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Believe It Or Not
Life is a series of choices. We can choose to stay as we are or we can choose to change what and where we find ourselves. With prayer and healing we also have a choice to believe or not to believe. I put a question on a few web sites and group discussion boards to which I received mostly positive some negative and a few undecided answers. I will attempt to put both views forward for you to make your own decision.
One thing that I did notice was the hesitancy of some people to say that, Jesus Christ our God or Our Lord, through prayer, healed them. There seems to be a tendency these days to avoid confrontation or offending other religions by using the “higher power” or “the man upstairs” escape route. It seems that the unbelievers feel uncomfortable using such names and other religions sometimes use the word God as an all encompassing higher power. In the replies I received there were also a number of people that used the term faith healer for any person that in their experience assisted in their healing. I found the responses enlightening and informative, thank you all for the diverse opinion. Some will say “what’s in a name” or we all worship the same God, but I choose to believe that it is through the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that we are healed. This is a topic that can no doubt be debated for hours and I will keep that for another article.
In the past few years since diagnosis of having a humanly incurable disease called Inclusion Body Myositis IBM, I have had numerous people praying for my healing. I also have a prayer group at my church who pray for the sick and others all the time.
I have chosen to accept Jesus Christ as my personal saviour so I am a born again Christian and believe implicitly in the healing powers of Jesus Christ. Besides the Biblical accounts there have been countless cases of medically confounding healings where people have been inexplicably healed of deadly diseases and live normal lives from then on. I believe that the Lord answers prayer, in His timing, and that if it is His will for me to be healed then it will be so.
I don’t think that anyone can dispute that healings took place in Biblical times and there are still, numerous, well documented miraculous healings taking place today. Accounts where doctors are completely dumbfounded by a sudden reversal in presentation of symptoms and X ray proof. Also where disease is shown on X rays on one day, then prove to be totally clear on the next day.
Coincidence !! —– I think not.
Fay (Jacksonville, FL) wrote on October 16, 2009 at 7:58am
I know first hand that it is a miracle that I am still here, after being shocked back on 9-7-04 and my husband being told everyday for a week that I was not going to make it, for him to pray, if he believed in God, and he did, he says everything was shutting down and they were convinced I would not make it. They were wrong, God had other plans. Of course now when my husband is aggravated with me I remind him to be careful what he wished for! Without Faith we would not have come this far!
Crystal wrote on 18-10-09
I personally don’t think there is an easy answer for that. I know what I believe, and I know other people may strongly disagree with me. In a nutshell, I do believe in a grand design. I know that sounds like a cop-out, but to me there are different types of healing. For my part…yes, I have been angry over what happened to me, but in other ways I benefited as a person due in part to my dealings with this disease. Is that an answer to a prayer? Perhaps, I also believe that miracles take time. We are creatures of the clock, and sometimes it just doesn’t move fast or slow enough for us. That doesn’t mean it isn’t happening…
Leila wrote on 23-10-09
Regarding your article regarding faith Healing, I am a firm believer in it and I know I am here today aged 80 years. I am in remission from DM/PM and mixed connective tissue disease, which was DX in 1984. I was in the wilderness for many, many years on high does of prednisilone I could not tolerate Imuran due to kidney stones caused by the calcichew which was prescribed for my Osteoporosis I was housebound for 2 years, I could not walk but crawled on my hands and knees. My husband was told to take me to Spain, which he did on the plane I had a lady come to speak to me and she held my hand and wished me well, When we got to Malaga I was put in Wheel chair and taken to a friends villa a gentleman saw the struggle it was for me to be moved he came and spoke to my husband he told us that people came from all over the world to a clinic in the Costa del Sol and that the treatment was just being helped to be laid on the hot sand for an hour each day. It really worked for me after one week i was able to get to the beach with help and was able to walk upright. My Husband decided to buy an apartment in a hotel , slowly over time I got stronger but I used a very high factor Sun block, one day a lady came and sat on the end of my sun bed and she said i have been looking for you for years it was the Lady I had spoken to on my first trip to Spain She told me she was a faith healer and she wanted to help me I was a bit apprehensive, she was staying in the Hotel and asked my Husband to bring me to see her , it was an amazing experience as she without touching me knew i had kidney stones .also that i had a rare and very complicated disease. from that day I became a believer in faith healing, she did not live very far from me and she came to give me healing she would take no payment or even a gift but she brought me through so many illnesses associated to my condition. I am sorry i have gone on for so long but I wanted to tell you of my experience with faith healing. She would give me absent healing as well for many, many years she was my saviour sadly she had a long standing chest complaint and after catching a very bad cold turning to Pleurisy we lost her. But I still feel her presence around me. Like Fay she gave to me Faith. Her son also has the gift of healing and has premonitions and saved a dreadful event happening he is a racing driver.
In most instances there has been prayer involved, whether from the patient or from family and friends. Even at times from total strangers who happen to hear about their plight.
Scientists and sceptics will probably disagree with me here, even though there have been scientifically documented tests done where some patients with the same disease have been split into two groups. One group was prayed for while the other wasn’t. The people praying were not in contact with any of the other participants and none of the groups knew whether they were being prayed for or not. After a couple of months while the two groups of patients were being monitored, it was found that the group that was being prayed for showed some instances of slowing down the disease process and in some instances, remission, while the other group deteriorated at the normal rate. Coincidence!! — I think not.
I remember the words of a friend who said that he “would truly believe in the power of prayer when he sees a man with one leg come back from a prayer meeting with two.” I think that comment trivialises the fact that miracles do occur. That is like saying I won’t believe those little drops of water from the sky are “rain” until there’s enough to cause a flood.
While I do not dispute that medicine plays a part in the healing of the sick and diseased, I also cannot dispute the fact that miraculous healings do occur. In my view and experience, the power of prayer cannot be disputed. Twenty five years ago I was a practicing alcoholic with repeated relapses after trying to stop. (this is an article on it’s own). Through prayer I stopped cold on one day and with continuous prayer I have been drink free for twenty five years.
I was diagnosed with IBM nine years ago and it eventually came to the point where I needed a power wheelchair. There was no way we could pay for one so we prayed for help like we had been doing for the past twenty five years, but this time specifically for a wheelchair. We contacted the muscular dystrophy foundation here, and they offered me a chair on indefinite loan.
Today, I went to a company to have my wheelchair fitted with tie down straps to stop me from sliding around in the back of my vehicle. I had been praying for some time for inspiration and solution to my problem and needed to do something before an accident happened. Due to the lack of funds our excursion today was merely to ascertain prices and availability. After fitting the straps the company representative informed me that the straps would be free of charge. Again!! What an answer to my prayer. Definitely not coincidence. Yes, another answer to prayer. There are numerous other instances where prayers have been answered in my life but I won’t repeat them here.
For me the choice is belief in Jesus Christ, prayer, miraculous healings and forgiveness of sin. For others it might not be as easy.
What about you?
It is your choice.
Article Source: Believe it or not · Costa Del Sol Malaga EU
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